

学生购物照片.For many students, starting college is the beginning of a new adventure. 一旦兴奋消退, 虽然, they realize that this exciting new venture comes with a host of new responsibilities as well. Since education can be expensive and all-consuming, financial responsibility is usually one of the most difficult areas to manage for college students. A study conducted by the University of Arizona (in partnership with the National Endowment for Financial Education) revealed that students were not interested to learn about money or credit management. Unsurprisingly, the average American college senior owes around $4,000 in credit card debt.

The college experience can serve as a training ground for future life management. The financial skills you learn as a student will definitely be valuable tools for budgeting once you're no longer a student and budgeting in the "real world." Here are some dos and don'ts for students trying to manage their budgets.


Start with the amount of money you have during the beginning of the semester. Subtract major expenses like rent, utilities, and other school fees. You also need to set aside an amount for food and necessities. The remaining amount should be your emergency fund and should not be used without discretion. Try a budgeting app to help you stay on track of your finances.

DO make the most of special meal options just for students.
If you attend a traditional brick and mortar school, your campus may offer a meal plan. 如果你有一个饮食计划,不要浪费它. Eat in the school cafeteria as often as possible. Since you’ll likely get tired of cafeteria food eventually, you can eat out occasionally. However, try to find local diners or fast food joints that offer discounts to students. Most eateries near campuses will have such discounts offered. 如果你在网上上学, you can save money on food by cooking meals and learning about budgeting groceries.

Many companies both locally and online will offer a discounted student rate if you show your ID or use a student promotional code. Gym memberships, cell phone plans, and movie theaters are just a few examples. Do your research before making any purchases or subscribing to services to see if a student discount is offered. 

一定要借课本. Buying a required textbook should always be a last resort
Ask friends who took up the same subject earlier if they can lend you the textbook. 否则,尽量买二手书. 如果可能的话,另一个选择是租房子. If you ever find yourself forced to buy the textbook, remember to keep it in good condition so you can sell it after the course. 另外, many courses — both online and in classrooms- are beginning to offer e-textbooks, which are often cheaper to download (and environmentally friendly at that!)

DO make the most of discounted or free entertainment
Having fun doesn’t always have to involve money. Join organizations or events and socialize with other students. City government websites and calendars often feature free events at libraries, 艺术中心, 还有城市公园. You can also check out entertainment listings in local publications top find open mikes at bars or restaurants, 业余体育赛事, 乐队比赛, 和音乐会, or theater productions at local schools you might be interested in.


There are a lot of students who automatically assume that they aren’t eligible for financial aid. 事实上, 有很多不同的补助金, 奖学金, and financial assistance programs that you’re likely to find something. Apply to the Free Application for Federal 学生 Aid (FAFSA) program. Even if you are not eligible for US government grants and loans, many other sources of financial aid will request a FAFSA to assess your financial need. Though the requirements differ for different types of students, there are many sources of aid available — don't neglect 奖学金!

这不是免费的钱. You have to pay for it eventually, so remember that you’re only delaying the inevitable. Never use a credit card to pay for daily expenses. 这个习惯会毁了你.

A lot of students fall victim to identity fraud, with criminals using their information to get loans and credit cards. The impact on your future financial situation and status can be dire.

在买任何东西之前——不管是家具, 一个设备, or a new game — always consider a pre-owned option, 如果可用. It will be a lot cheaper and you’re probably going to buy better replacements anyway when you graduate and find a job.

iGrad标志iGrad has partnered with 好的赌博软件推荐 to bring their financial capability services to our members. iGrad is 100% focused on empowering folks to make effective personal finance, student loan and career decisions throughout life. 欲知详情,请浏览 igrad.com

This information is provided for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal, tax or financial advice. Consult with your tax, legal or financial adviser before taking any action.



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